Friday, December 10, 2010

Terrible Twos already?!

Well I've always said T thinks he is older then he really is, so why does it surprise me that we have hit the terrible twos early? Full on with temper tantrums and all. We have already had more then one full on melt downs today and it's only 1;30. Oh help me people. The worst part of it might be dealing with it in public. I don't mind the people looking on, it's that T hams it up when other people are around. He loves an audience.

No wait.....the worst part is definitely all the "no" and the "mine" I hear all day. Everything I ask him is "no" whether he means it or not.
me: "T you want a cookie"
T: "no....cookie, please"
I give him the cooking and then it's, "mine!"

All day this is what I hear, "no, no, no, no........" It's a good thing he is still super cute because otherwise I may have a baby for sale (just kidding, by the way). It's too bad he is still too young to bribe him with Santa threats.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


How is it that winter has only started but I'm already feeling the effects? I amdreading going out and just feeling tired. Our house is just so warm and cozy and outside is NOT. A temperature of -13 degrees just isn't inviting, no matter how you look at it.

We had our first real snowfall this week and I can actually admit I en
joyed it. Let me
state that I usually HATE all things winter. T was just so happy to be out in the snow, building snowmen, throwing snowballs, just running around like a
little mad man and it was awesome. He was so proud of his snowmen that he wanted to show everybody. So much so that I had to carry one over to his grandmother's house and show her. Again, SO cute!

Back to the blahs, I feel like I am running on empty all day long. I think that if I got up in the morning and went for a run I'd feel better throughout the day but ......blah..... Have I mentioned that tired feeling and that it's cold outside. See catch-22. I don't want to go outside because I'm too tired but if I go outside I'll get more energy. I've asked R to set my bike up inside on the rollers so I can't use the outside excuse but as of yet, he hasn't done it. Okay in all fairness, he did try but my bike didn't work so he has asked a friend to help. I just hope it gets done soon. Otherwise this may be a long, sleepy winter made doubly hard by a very active one year old.

This mamma says, I need energy. Anybody have any extra?