Friday, March 25, 2011

Real Mums

This is a shout out to all the REAL mums out there. I'm talking about the mums who are honest about motherhood and about their children. I am so lucky to have many mummy friends who fall into this category but I know that is not the case for everybody.

I have met the competitive mothers. The ones who were right pack to their pre-pregnancy weight within days of their baby's birth. They are the same mums who bragged about their babies sleeping through the night by 3 months and are talking (full sentences, of course) before a year. In my humble opinion they are the mothers that lie! I can't get my hear around what these women are getting out of these.....half truths...?....These women are making others feel bad about not only themselves but other children as well.......

Oh shit, I digress. This post is NOT about the competitive mums or any other type of mums. This is about the real mums. I love having mummy friends that I can be real with. Mums that say they are tired. Mums who, when I visit their house, it looks similar to my own. I don't mean by design or decoration here. I mean there are toys out and maybe some stuff on the floor or some dishes in the sink. These mums are open and honest about their children and themselves. I don't mean self-deprecating just truthful. They don't make you feel bad about yourself as a mother (or wife for that matter). They are supportive and encouraging. These mums make you feel normal. Motherhood is hard, why deny that?

We mothers all need to realize that nobody (except maybe for ourself) expects us to be perfect. Admitting it's hard work will make you realize you are not alone. It takes a stronger person to ask for help then to suffer through it alone. I know I can ask any of my mummy (and non-mummy) friends and they will help me out in a second. If you can't say that is true for you, you may want to reevaluate your friendships. You don't need to compete. There is no such thing as a perfect mother. You can only be the best you can be and believe me, your children will love you just as you are.

So to all the mums out there who admit their tired, that parenting is hard work and that sometimes they need "me" time. Who say their kids aren't perfect but they are perfect for me....


  1. why don't i ever comment on your blog? i'm going to start - love this one. love that you guys can get past the pretense and the need to be the perfect MILF's and see that it's so much easier to just be you. it's a good feeling.

  2. Amen sistah!! Thanks for writing this :)
