Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Our House

    T and I went by the house this weekend and the renos really are underway.  We haven't been by much.....as it's not really the most child or pregnant lady-friendly environment, what with being a construction site and all.  This weekend was huge for us, we now have a second floor and bedroom for Rico and I.

   I find this all so exciting.  I guess it's because I've never lived in an actual house before.   I grew up in an apartment and lived in either a condo or other apartments since.  So the idea of living in a house, with all that space is thrilling.  Every time I go to the house (or Rico shows me pictures) I get little butterflies in my stomach.  Much like being a teenager and thinking about the boy you like.  I know we still have a few months to go until we can live in the house, but I love seeing it all come together.   I love thinking about our boys living there, holidays we will spend there, family dinners and traditions that will take place in our house.  That is what I look forward to the most, creating memories for our boys.

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