Thursday, October 28, 2010


Well it's that spooky time of year again. Time to dress the little one up and pimp him out for candy.....seems wrong doesn't it?! So why am I doing it? Well I think I already said why, candy. We have T's costume all ready to go and we are going to take him and one of his friends to a few of our neighbours houses. I am really looking forward to it. I know T won't know what is going on but it will be fun. Most importantly it will be some family time (and did I mention candy?). I love these little moments when we can do things all together.

I'll post a picture of T all decked out after Halloween.
Enjoy yours

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wow I realize I may be the worst blogger ever! No really, how long has it been since my last post? I think it's over a month, maybe getting close to two. Sorry folks.

This Mamma has been very run down lately. T has been sick and teething, for what feels like forever, and last week I finally got his cold. Needless to say we are keeping the tissue companies in business right now.

The other new and oh so exciting development here is the early on set of toddler behaviours. I know T is almost a toddler so I shouldn't be surprised...but I was really hoping they would hold off a bit longer. You know in lieu of never being a great sleeper, I wouldn't have to deal with tantrums so soon. That is obviously not my luck. So now I have a 14 month old throwing fits, with fake crying and all, when he doesn't get his own way. The worst seems to be at mealtime when I outrageously, expect T to eat his food and he wants to play with it...or more accurately, in it. I know we will get through this but for now it's timeouts and mamma trying to stay calm.

To all the Mamma's out there, Breath