Friday, December 10, 2010

Terrible Twos already?!

Well I've always said T thinks he is older then he really is, so why does it surprise me that we have hit the terrible twos early? Full on with temper tantrums and all. We have already had more then one full on melt downs today and it's only 1;30. Oh help me people. The worst part of it might be dealing with it in public. I don't mind the people looking on, it's that T hams it up when other people are around. He loves an audience.

No wait.....the worst part is definitely all the "no" and the "mine" I hear all day. Everything I ask him is "no" whether he means it or not.
me: "T you want a cookie"
T: "no....cookie, please"
I give him the cooking and then it's, "mine!"

All day this is what I hear, "no, no, no, no........" It's a good thing he is still super cute because otherwise I may have a baby for sale (just kidding, by the way). It's too bad he is still too young to bribe him with Santa threats.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


How is it that winter has only started but I'm already feeling the effects? I amdreading going out and just feeling tired. Our house is just so warm and cozy and outside is NOT. A temperature of -13 degrees just isn't inviting, no matter how you look at it.

We had our first real snowfall this week and I can actually admit I en
joyed it. Let me
state that I usually HATE all things winter. T was just so happy to be out in the snow, building snowmen, throwing snowballs, just running around like a
little mad man and it was awesome. He was so proud of his snowmen that he wanted to show everybody. So much so that I had to carry one over to his grandmother's house and show her. Again, SO cute!

Back to the blahs, I feel like I am running on empty all day long. I think that if I got up in the morning and went for a run I'd feel better throughout the day but ......blah..... Have I mentioned that tired feeling and that it's cold outside. See catch-22. I don't want to go outside because I'm too tired but if I go outside I'll get more energy. I've asked R to set my bike up inside on the rollers so I can't use the outside excuse but as of yet, he hasn't done it. Okay in all fairness, he did try but my bike didn't work so he has asked a friend to help. I just hope it gets done soon. Otherwise this may be a long, sleepy winter made doubly hard by a very active one year old.

This mamma says, I need energy. Anybody have any extra?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Remember when....?

I remember a time, not too long ago, when I looked forward to the end of daylight savings time. That weekend was the best. It meant an extra hour of sleep or an extra hour of partying or dancing or whatever else I wanted an extra hour for. Not anymore. This years "fall back" has resulted in a week of 5:00am wake-ups and then to days of a less then impressed one year old. All of which leads to one sleepy mamma. Is this what I get for wasting all the extra hours of my past in less then productive manner? If so, I'd love to say it was all worth it but I don't remember all the hours wasted, and I can't blame it all on the mum-dumbs.

This has brought me to remembering other child-free days. Not all the memories are ones I wish to share, some more embarrassing then others. For the most part however, they were great memories. Nights spent with friends having, mostly innocent, fun. I started........I started this sentence and then was interrupted so now it is gone...Thank-you Mum-Dumbs

So with that I will call it a night.
Until next time

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sweet Sweet Baby

This mamma is going to use this post to do a bit of bragging....consider yourself warned

I have the sweetest baby, ever. Not only is he sweet and cuddly with me and his other grown-ups, he is so generous with other children. Today I bought him a new pacifier, which was actually a package of two. He was so excited when I showed him the package he wanted it opened right away. I told him I first had to sterilize them but he could have them after his nap. After dinner I remembered the pacifier and showed T. Again he was so excited so I gave him one. After a few minutes he noticed the second one. Instead of demanding that one as well, as many children would do, T said it was for "NoNoNo" (his "girlfriend"). I said, "okay we can give it to her next time we see her." Well T did not agree with that, he was very insistent we give it to her right then. He was at the front door with the pacifier saying, "NoNoNo, that" and pointing to the door. Sweet baby just wanted to share with his girlfriend. So I packed him up and walked over to her house (luckily it's close by or else we wouldn't have gone). As soon as we saw her, T was handing over the pacifier. He was so happy to give it to her. It really was the sweetest thing.

I don't know what I have done to have a baby who is so sweet, with a kind, loving heart but I am so blessed.

Mamma loves you BuggyBoy xoxo

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Well it's that spooky time of year again. Time to dress the little one up and pimp him out for candy.....seems wrong doesn't it?! So why am I doing it? Well I think I already said why, candy. We have T's costume all ready to go and we are going to take him and one of his friends to a few of our neighbours houses. I am really looking forward to it. I know T won't know what is going on but it will be fun. Most importantly it will be some family time (and did I mention candy?). I love these little moments when we can do things all together.

I'll post a picture of T all decked out after Halloween.
Enjoy yours

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wow I realize I may be the worst blogger ever! No really, how long has it been since my last post? I think it's over a month, maybe getting close to two. Sorry folks.

This Mamma has been very run down lately. T has been sick and teething, for what feels like forever, and last week I finally got his cold. Needless to say we are keeping the tissue companies in business right now.

The other new and oh so exciting development here is the early on set of toddler behaviours. I know T is almost a toddler so I shouldn't be surprised...but I was really hoping they would hold off a bit longer. You know in lieu of never being a great sleeper, I wouldn't have to deal with tantrums so soon. That is obviously not my luck. So now I have a 14 month old throwing fits, with fake crying and all, when he doesn't get his own way. The worst seems to be at mealtime when I outrageously, expect T to eat his food and he wants to play with it...or more accurately, in it. I know we will get through this but for now it's timeouts and mamma trying to stay calm.

To all the Mamma's out there, Breath

Monday, September 20, 2010

Here we go again

Well the tooth is through so now it's back to bed for T. I am currently holed up in my bathroom listening to him cry. We share a room with him so I can't come out until he's asleep. I must admit it's not been too bad though....did I really just say that?! Am I trying to jinx this?!? Rookie mistake.

Well since it's out there already, he's been pretty good. That's not to say he's gone to bed without a fight, but the crying (or screaming) hasn't lasted as long as it could. Last night he sleep the whole night once he was down, I was so impressed. I realize of course he was probably really tired.

He seems quiet again....dare I check?? Wish me luck folks

Friday, September 17, 2010

Will this tooth just come already!?!...

Another Friday night and I've been in bed with T since 8:00. R is out with his friends, and most of me is happy for him, the other part of me is a bit jealous and a bit lonely. I can't remember how long this bout of teething has been going on for but it feels like forever! I miss our old routine of putting T to bed and then spending some grown-up time together. I mean we were together for years just the two of us. Now don't get me wrong, I would happily spend ever night cuddled up snug with the bug, I do miss R and our time together too.

So now we wait for the teeth (yes plural) to make their big appearance and then we can get T back on schedule and in his own bed. Although I think that sounds much easier then it's actually going to be, seeing as T now thinks our bed is his bed. I will say, "bedtime" or "go night-night" and he goes to our nice, big, cozy king size bed. If you now ask him where his bed is, he'll point to ours and say, "there". Right now I think this is funny but I know soon it will just be a lot of tears. All I can say is, thank god it's a king size bed.

I don't know how other people, with kids have beds smaller then a king. How do you all fit in there? I joke with R saying a smaller be is just uncivilized but part of me believes that. If we had a smaller bed R would have been sleeping on the couch during this ordeal. I know he manages to sleep through 99% of the times T wakes up but it would be even worst if I knew he was sound asleep downstairs while I was waking up 3, 4, 5, even 6 times a night. I would have been a cranky bunny.

I feel like this post has been a lot of complaining and for that I am sorry....I blame the tooth and the lack of sleep. Hopefully the next one will be more upbeat.
That's all this mamma says for now....

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's Nice to be Loved

I am currently sitting outside on a beautiful end of summer morning, under the lilac tree enjoying the sun and a quiet moment. I am also child-free right now. T has run off next door, to visit his uncle back form Italy, after 6 weeks. It gives me a chance to think just how lucky we are to have so many people in our lives who truly love T.

I come from a very large family and have always taken for granted the people who love me. I have 32 aunts and uncles on one side of the family alone, countless cousins and add in close family friends and we are well beyond 100 people in my everyday life who care about me. I thought this was totally normal. I didn't see anything special about having a small Christmas dinner of only 15 to 20 people. It wasn't until I was older that I realized not everybody is so luck.

So now with my only son I want to surround him with people that love him and care for him....and luckily I have been able to. We are so fortunate to have people in our family, and friends who we have made our chosen family, to love T. I know these people will always be there for us and it warms my heart. I know these people love my son and it makes me love them more.

So to all these people this post is for you. I want you to know that I appreciate all you do for us, T in particular. For all the love you bring into our lives, I hope one day I can do the same for you.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Getting better....?

It seems things might be coming back to normal around here, and not a moment too soon. The tooth still isn't through but T is back to his normal self, for the most part at least. I must say I don't know how parents put up with children who are whiney. It would drive me nuts. Now all I have to do is get him back to sleeping the whole night in his own bed and we will be golden.....until the next tooth that is.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Poor Baby

Well last night was another rough night for T (and mamma but doesn't that go without saying?) He is really in the wars right now and what we thought was teething maybe is a stomach bug. He threw up for the first time last night. Not as bad as it could have been but it still broke my heart. I hate when he doesn't feel well. Especially, because he can't tell me what's wrong.

All this does make me re-think my demon child comment, maybe he was just sick. Poor baby! Although, I can take comfort in the fact that I'm not the first mother to call my child a demon child. Thank God for other mothers who need to vent too.

T has been much better since his AWFUL day. He is still cranky but not nearly as bad. Maybe he was really bad that first day so that these days now seem manageable in comparison. Smart, slightly malicious but still smart baby.

Good thing I love him more than I could say
In the words of 90210 star, "Love you, Babe"

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Just Breath

Just Breath Mamma....that is what I have to remind myself lately. Well, really just today. T is teething and miserable. Who is this demon child and where has my sweet, wonderful, happy son gone? Today he spent over an hour and a half crying while he should have been sleeping. He isn't sleeping at night and he isn't sleeping during his nap and he is so unhappy and there is nothing I can do about it. I am trying everything I can think of and....nothing. He is finally sleeping now, obviously or I couldn't be writing right now. I had to cave and take him out in his stroller but at least he's asleep. ......I spoke too soon. He's up....

Thursday, August 5, 2010

You're STILL Breastfeeding?!?!

So as you know T just turned one and here's my big scandal....I'm still breastfeeding and don't plan on weaning anytime soon.....shocking I know. I believe in breastfeeding. I believe that I am doing what is best for my son. I believe that while my son could go on cow's milk now, breast milk is still best. Now that's not to say I won't give him cow's milk from time to time or that I think cow's milk is bad. It's just that for now it's still the breast for T.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion but it doesn't mean I want to hear it. I'm always surprised when people I don't know voice their opinion on anything I do, especially concerning my son. I don't think I'd ever go up to a stranger and give them my two cents on what they are doing. Who am I to them? What do they care how I feel? What do I care? I find it doubly surprising when a man comes up to me to give me his opinion on breastfeeding. You don't even have breasts.

Personally I am prepared for people and their comments, especially as T is getting so big. I know people feel strongly about breastfeeding (both for and against) but the way people talk about it, you'd think the act was endangering the child.

So if anyone out there sees my nursing T, just keep quiet. I don't need to know your opinion about it, just as you don't need to know mine about sex in public.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

One Year Old

Well it is finally here, T's 1st birthday. I can't help but remember the day he was born and him as a newborn. He was the cutest baby, ever (okay I know I'm bias but he really was cute). He was 8 lbs of cuteness. He was a very easy baby that first day. He actually was a great baby all along. My only complaint was that he didn't sleep well. He only wanted to sleep on me, preferably on the breast. And I let him. He was just so tiny and sweet, I didn't want to put him down.

I barely remember the early days with T, I was too sleep deprived. I remember nursing a lot and not sleeping much. Which I guess explains why I don't remember anything. I do remember that first day/night at home. I remember who was here and all the calls we got. I have never felt so loved by the people in my life. Everyone calling with well wishes or stopping by to see our newest addition. Some people surprised me so much. There were friends that I never would have guessed to be baby people, who were so excited to meet T and want to hold him. It was sweet seeing our male friends holding T for the first time. They all had that same look on their face. It was a look of, "OMG, am I going to break this baby?"

One of my favourite memory of the day T was born was coming home in the pouring rain and people were already at our house awaiting our (well really just T's) arrival. A little while after we were home R's younger brother was over visiting. He was so nervous holding the baby but the look he gave T was one that can only be described as pure love and awe. For the longest time that was how it was between the two of them. G was nervous but so in love with the baby. Now he isn't nervous anymore but still so in love with T.

As I look back I can't help but think of T's future. Of the boy he is becoming and the man he will one day become. I am so blessed to have him as my son. I love him more then I could ever say and I hope he always knows that. I have many dreams and wishes for him as he grown but the most important is I hope he always feels the love his father and I have for him. That he grows up to be a good man, who is secure in himself and those around him.

I love you baby!
Love Mamma

Thursday, July 29, 2010


So I have a monkey, who thinks it's a good idea to wake-up at 11:45 PM and play. Even worst I have a husband who seems to agree. T woke-up for his dreamfeed and then really woke-up. He was trying to find the zipper on his sleep sack so his dad came over to help him and they were off. Seriously! R got T up and went downstairs to play! T was so excited to be up, I could hear him laughing and screaming with joy. After about 10 minutes or so, they came back up and T came into our bed and I said it was time to sleep but he was too excited.....over tired and excited a dangerous combination. He was trying to get us to play, pulling out all his tricks. The elephant noise, kisses, blowing kisses.....the works. I told him to lay down, it was time to sleep. He fell back and laughed.

He was awake from 11:45 until about 1:30. He was tossing and turning and crawling on me, cuddling up. He was so tired but just didn't want to fall asleep. As much as I love the cuddling and that he wanted to sleep on me, I am SO tired now. I vaguely remember a time when I use to go out until 7 AM and get up feeling fine 4 or 5 hours later but now I am wiped. I guess that's getting older for you. That combined with being a mum, I just need my energy for T, because he takes a lot of energy.

Speaking of energy, T started walking this week. He is now a man on a mission. Although, he won't walk when I ask him to, it has to be on his own terms and for his own reason. His favourite it walking outside with his little push car. He is all over the backyard, now all he has to do is learn to steer.

Watch out world here comes Thor!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Update on Birthday Cake

Now, really this is becoming an obsession. What am I going to obsesses about after the party?! So the update is.....the cake is delicious.....If I do say so myself. The cake was moist and not too sweet (even though there is more sugar then flour.....bad for a baby's birthday?) And the icing was even better! Although I think it needs more PB and less butter. So now I have to think about how to decorate the cupcakes for the party and the cake at home. I would like to find some animals to put on them since T loves animals. I wonder if I can find little elephants?

Although, I must admit having to (or feeling like I have to) bake a cake is not a real hardship. Especially, since it turned out well.

Now since T is still sleeping I think I am going to go have a slice of cake now......purely to make sure it's still okay....I'm just being a good mum

Birthday countdown: 9 days

Friday, July 23, 2010

Another Friday Night

Well it's the end of another week, R is out celebrating a buddies birthday and I'm at home listening to T cry. Minus the crying part I can't say I mind my evening plans. I think I'll pop in a movie and relax. Maybe a bath before bed...really it's a great night.

In my downtime today I stated looking through other peoples' blogs and my there are some....interesting (?) things listed under peoples' interests.....take a look and see what I mean. I wonder do people feel that free when on their blogs? I should read some of them some time. I am trying to keep a balance of keeping somethings private and letting everyone in. You have to think ANYbody can see these things. Do you really want that out there? I guess some people do....

Well happy Friday to all. I hope you are enjoying yourself whatever you're doing.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why is it I feel the need to make an elaborate cake for T's first birthday? I mean he's not going to remember it and all is guest are babies too. Oh motherhood, what have you done to me? In fact why do I want to make the cake at all. I guess it seems like a gesture of love or something because there is this overwhelming feeling telling me to make an amazing cake. So much so that I am looking for the perfect recipe so that I can do a practice cake before his actual birthday.....wouldn't want his first birthday to lead to food poisoning.....not that I'm a bad cook. Now in the land of motherhood there is this overriding desire to be perfect. To make the birthday cake from scratch (though I never do for R or anybody else for that matter and probably never will again for T) and smile the whole time claiming, "it was nothing". Becoming a mother seems to have made that small irrational part of my brain the dominating force. When the rest of my brain is screaming, "You're CRAZY lady!!! You don't need to do this! It's OK" the dominating crazy part says, "oh yes you do need to do this. It's nice. Try it, you'll like it, it's good for you........It's good for T".

Seriously, somebody needs to have a chat with that irrational side and tell that Bitch to back off!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Back home from my GNO and I had a blast!! Note to self: do that again soon


This mamma remembers a day wen a night out with a friend wasn't such a big deal. Now it takes planning and careful timing. I want to be able to stay out and have a good time but I have to be home for a dreamfeed. Plus I can't get there until after T is in bed. Makes me wonder why did I give up pumping? Oh right, I didn't give up pumping, pumping gave up on me. Next time.....there is always next time.

I am actually really looking forward to going out tonight, even if it is only with one other mum (let's see if we can stay off mummy talk). I really have to try to get out with my friends more often. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that my bed is so inviting most nights. Plus, if I plan one night out a week and so does Rico and then we have friends over once or twice and then Rico has at least one work night we really aren't spending any time together. Which is something we are trying to do more of. It's become so easy to take our time together for granted. We use to talk or read or even watch a movie together but now it often ends up with me on my computer upstairs and Rico on his downstairs. I don't take it personal but I know Rico finds it hard......I digress......

The point today it I'm looking forward to GNO tonight. Sarah, get my vodka tonic for me if I'm running late :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Another day in the land of the sleep deprived. Ok so I know I have nobody to blame for it this time but myself. I let T sleep in our bed last night....gasp now. It just so cozy and it usually means I can stay in bed longer so it seems like a good idea. Well not last night. T woke up in the middle of the night and was whiney and moving all about until I caved and nursed him...gasp again. Well I'd love to say I've learned from this and I will not be doing it again but I know that's a lie.

So we are now into the birthday countdown and I'm finding it really sad. He's just getting so big, next thing I know he'll be off to Uni and then getting married and having his own babies....I'm not ready to be a grandmother!? Ok so the rational part of my brain knows I'm not becoming a grandmother for a very long time still but as I said I'm a frequent visiter to the land of the sleep deprived, i.e. not rational. I've just made the invitations to go out to a few of his little friends and am now looking for a good cake recipe. I am also in the process of making his birthday photo book, basically a year in review...way to dwell on him getting bigger.

Oh well babies grow. I can't stop it. I think I'll just have to try and enjoy it and take lots of pictures (our poor second child, there is no way I can take as many pictures when we do this all again)

From the Mummyhood......see you later

Monday, July 19, 2010

Well here we go

Ok so this is it....I've joined the blogging world. Will anybody actually read this? Would I? Who knows, but I'm going to find out.

We have just finished a crazy busy weekend. The highlight being my bestie's wedding. It was a great day, it was just LONG! Especially for an 11 month old. Thor was awesome all weekend. From the rehearsal dinner to the wedding ceremony and the reception we couldn't have asked for anything more from him (since he was running about 6 hours short on sleep by the time Saturday night cam around).

I may not have it all figured out but at least I'm keeping up.