Sunday, May 29, 2011


So what is your opinion on your child and other people with illnesses or things that are contagious?  I ask because today we were invited to a friend's place for brunch and when we got there their daughter had head lice.  Is that okay?

I think that when your child is ill/contagious you inform any other parent whose child is going to come into contact with your child.  When I have playdates  planned for T and he isn't feeling well I always inform the other parent and leave it up to them.  I feel it should always be up to the healthy child's parent(s) to make that kind of call.  I have no right to knowingly bring something into somebody's house without their permission.

I was really annoyed with our friends today.  I don't think we would have canceled brunch had they told us, I just would have liked the heads up.  I like to make the call when it comes to T and his well-being.

Am I being crazy/overly cautious?  You tell me.....