I write about my life, from motherhood to friends to being a bad wife. It's mostly the good, some bad and I'm sure some ugly. You don't have to believe me judge for yourself, just be forgiving this is the Motherhood, you know
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Getting better....?
It seems things might be coming back to normal around here, and not a moment too soon. The tooth still isn't through but T is back to his normal self, for the most part at least. I must say I don't know how parents put up with children who are whiney. It would drive me nuts. Now all I have to do is get him back to sleeping the whole night in his own bed and we will be golden.....until the next tooth that is.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Poor Baby
Well last night was another rough night for T (and mamma but doesn't that go without saying?) He is really in the wars right now and what we thought was teething maybe is a stomach bug. He threw up for the first time last night. Not as bad as it could have been but it still broke my heart. I hate when he doesn't feel well. Especially, because he can't tell me what's wrong.
All this does make me re-think my demon child comment, maybe he was just sick. Poor baby! Although, I can take comfort in the fact that I'm not the first mother to call my child a demon child. Thank God for other mothers who need to vent too.
T has been much better since his AWFUL day. He is still cranky but not nearly as bad. Maybe he was really bad that first day so that these days now seem manageable in comparison. Smart, slightly malicious but still smart baby.
Good thing I love him more than I could say
In the words of 90210 star, "Love you, Babe"
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Just Breath
Just Breath Mamma....that is what I have to remind myself lately. Well, really just today. T is teething and miserable. Who is this demon child and where has my sweet, wonderful, happy son gone? Today he spent over an hour and a half crying while he should have been sleeping. He isn't sleeping at night and he isn't sleeping during his nap and he is so unhappy and there is nothing I can do about it. I am trying everything I can think of and....nothing. He is finally sleeping now, obviously or I couldn't be writing right now. I had to cave and take him out in his stroller but at least he's asleep. ......I spoke too soon. He's up....
Thursday, August 5, 2010
You're STILL Breastfeeding?!?!
So as you know T just turned one and here's my big scandal....I'm still breastfeeding and don't plan on weaning anytime soon.....shocking I know. I believe in breastfeeding. I believe that I am doing what is best for my son. I believe that while my son could go on cow's milk now, breast milk is still best. Now that's not to say I won't give him cow's milk from time to time or that I think cow's milk is bad. It's just that for now it's still the breast for T.
I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion but it doesn't mean I want to hear it. I'm always surprised when people I don't know voice their opinion on anything I do, especially concerning my son. I don't think I'd ever go up to a stranger and give them my two cents on what they are doing. Who am I to them? What do they care how I feel? What do I care? I find it doubly surprising when a man comes up to me to give me his opinion on breastfeeding. You don't even have breasts.
Personally I am prepared for people and their comments, especially as T is getting so big. I know people feel strongly about breastfeeding (both for and against) but the way people talk about it, you'd think the act was endangering the child.
So if anyone out there sees my nursing T, just keep quiet. I don't need to know your opinion about it, just as you don't need to know mine about sex in public.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
One Year Old

Well it is finally here, T's 1st birthday. I can't help but remember the day he was born and him as a newborn. He was the cutest baby, ever (okay I know I'm bias but he really was cute). He was 8 lbs of cuteness. He was a very easy baby that first day. He actually was a great baby all along. My only complaint was that he didn't sleep well. He only wanted to sleep on me, preferably on the breast. And I let him. He was just so tiny and sweet, I didn't want to put him down.
I barely remember the early days with T, I was too sleep deprived. I remember nursing a lot and not sleeping much. Which I guess explains why I don't remember anything. I do remember that first day/night at home. I remember who was here and all the calls we got. I have never felt so loved by the people in my life. Everyone calling with well wishes or stopping by to see our newest addition. Some people surprised me so much. There were friends that I never would have guessed to be baby people, who were so excited to meet T and want to hold him. It was sweet seeing our male friends holding T for the first time. They all had that same look on their face. It was a look of, "OMG, am I going to break this baby?"
One of my favourite memory of the day T was born was coming home in the pouring rain and people were already at our house awaiting our (well really just T's) arrival. A little while after we were home R's younger brother was over visiting. He was so nervous holding the baby but the look he gave T was one that can only be described as pure love and awe. For the longest time that was how it was between the two of them. G was nervous but so in love with the baby. Now he isn't nervous anymore but still so in love with T.
As I look back I can't help but think of T's future. Of the boy he is becoming and the man he will one day become. I am so blessed to have him as my son. I love him more then I could ever say and I hope he always knows that. I have many dreams and wishes for him as he grown but the most important is I hope he always feels the love his father and I have for him. That he grows up to be a good man, who is secure in himself and those around him.
I love you baby!
Love Mamma
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