T and I went by the house this weekend and the renos really are underway. We haven't been by much.....as it's not really the most child or pregnant lady-friendly environment, what with being a construction site and all. This weekend was huge for us, we now have a second floor and bedroom for Rico and I.
I find this all so exciting. I guess it's because I've never lived in an actual house before. I grew up in an apartment and lived in either a condo or other apartments since. So the idea of living in a house, with all that space is thrilling. Every time I go to the house (or Rico shows me pictures) I get little butterflies in my stomach. Much like being a teenager and thinking about the boy you like. I know we still have a few months to go until we can live in the house, but I love seeing it all come together. I love thinking about our boys living there, holidays we will spend there, family dinners and traditions that will take place in our house. That is what I look forward to the most, creating memories for our boys.
I write about my life, from motherhood to friends to being a bad wife. It's mostly the good, some bad and I'm sure some ugly. You don't have to believe me judge for yourself, just be forgiving this is the Motherhood, you know
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Dinner Time
I have to say some days the thought of thinking of something to make for dinner is too much for me....such a tough life I know. Then there are days like today that I love making dinner. I find a recipe that sounds amazing and I can't wait to see how it turns out. I've attached the blog I got tonight's dinner from incase you're interested, feta stuffed turkey meatloaf . Luckily, for all of in our house, most days fall somewhere in between these two extremes.
What are your ideas for keeping yourself motivated when it comes to meal times? I don't want to end up being one of the houses that has the same meal every Monday, Tuesday...etc.
What are your ideas for keeping yourself motivated when it comes to meal times? I don't want to end up being one of the houses that has the same meal every Monday, Tuesday...etc.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Home Renovations
Maybe it's because it's our first house and maybe it's because we aren't living in the renovations but I am so excited about our renovations. It helps that R is a fantastic contractor with amazing ideas. I look forward to the design and layout part of the renovations the most. I love planning and seeing how it all works out.
What really excites me about this whole process may just be a fantasy. That is organization!! Specifically, I can't wait to come up with a system to keep our entrance way tidy. That means a place for our keys, our change, a system (that works) for our mail, somewhere for our coats, hats and mitts to go. I love the idea of walking into the house and having a place to put things and have it look clean. I hope this all works out the way I want it to, the way I think it can. Here are a couple images I found of what my dream mud room may one day look like.
There is so much to look forward to in our lives right now, I can't wait to share it with you as it all progresses.
What really excites me about this whole process may just be a fantasy. That is organization!! Specifically, I can't wait to come up with a system to keep our entrance way tidy. That means a place for our keys, our change, a system (that works) for our mail, somewhere for our coats, hats and mitts to go. I love the idea of walking into the house and having a place to put things and have it look clean. I hope this all works out the way I want it to, the way I think it can. Here are a couple images I found of what my dream mud room may one day look like.
There is so much to look forward to in our lives right now, I can't wait to share it with you as it all progresses.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Music Monday
I just thought I'd share mine and T's lullaby with everyone. I love this song and have sung it to T since the day he was born. Just last week T told me he is going to sing it to our new baby when he/she arrives. He is going to be the best big brother.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
So what is your opinion on your child and other people with illnesses or things that are contagious? I ask because today we were invited to a friend's place for brunch and when we got there their daughter had head lice. Is that okay?
I think that when your child is ill/contagious you inform any other parent whose child is going to come into contact with your child. When I have playdates planned for T and he isn't feeling well I always inform the other parent and leave it up to them. I feel it should always be up to the healthy child's parent(s) to make that kind of call. I have no right to knowingly bring something into somebody's house without their permission.
I was really annoyed with our friends today. I don't think we would have canceled brunch had they told us, I just would have liked the heads up. I like to make the call when it comes to T and his well-being.
Am I being crazy/overly cautious? You tell me.....
I think that when your child is ill/contagious you inform any other parent whose child is going to come into contact with your child. When I have playdates planned for T and he isn't feeling well I always inform the other parent and leave it up to them. I feel it should always be up to the healthy child's parent(s) to make that kind of call. I have no right to knowingly bring something into somebody's house without their permission.
I was really annoyed with our friends today. I don't think we would have canceled brunch had they told us, I just would have liked the heads up. I like to make the call when it comes to T and his well-being.
Am I being crazy/overly cautious? You tell me.....
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Emotional Boys
I have been thinking a lot about how to raise a boy. I want to raise him to be a good man. A man who treats others well, who is fair and kind. I also want him to be a man's man. To be strong and capable but at the same time I want him to be in touch with his emotions and his sensitive side. So how do I do that? How do you create that balance?
I feel it is important for children (boys especially) to be given words and ways of expressing their emotions. I try to label T's feelings whether he is happy or sad but also when he is mad or frustrated. I don't want to (for lack of a better word) make him a sissy I just want him to be aware of his feelings. We play rough with T, let him get dirty, fall, get hurt and get back up. We give him trucks and swords and "boy toys". On the other hand, when he cries we cuddle him and tell him, "it's okay" and we love him. T has a doll and a tea set. Is this setting up the right balance? Is there such a thing as "the right balance"?

I find myself thinking of T as a future grown-up, a member of society. I try to think of the kind of man I want him to become. I think of the men I have known, those in my life now and those that are no longer a part of it for whatever reason, and I try to think of all the good parts of those men and try to compile what it means to be a good man.
How do you teach a boy to be a good man? I don't know. I think it has to do with the role models a boy has (both male and female) and the interactions he sees and participates in. I don't know the answers here I just hope we are setting T on the right path.
I feel it is important for children (boys especially) to be given words and ways of expressing their emotions. I try to label T's feelings whether he is happy or sad but also when he is mad or frustrated. I don't want to (for lack of a better word) make him a sissy I just want him to be aware of his feelings. We play rough with T, let him get dirty, fall, get hurt and get back up. We give him trucks and swords and "boy toys". On the other hand, when he cries we cuddle him and tell him, "it's okay" and we love him. T has a doll and a tea set. Is this setting up the right balance? Is there such a thing as "the right balance"?

I find myself thinking of T as a future grown-up, a member of society. I try to think of the kind of man I want him to become. I think of the men I have known, those in my life now and those that are no longer a part of it for whatever reason, and I try to think of all the good parts of those men and try to compile what it means to be a good man.
How do you teach a boy to be a good man? I don't know. I think it has to do with the role models a boy has (both male and female) and the interactions he sees and participates in. I don't know the answers here I just hope we are setting T on the right path.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
I'm No Writer
So I've been writing this blog for almost a year now and one thing I should have pointed out sooner I guess is, I'm not a writer. I'm sure this is quite obvious reading my posts. I feel like I need to make somethings clear here....This is just me writing whatever comes out of my head/heart. I write as if I am talking to somebody. So if things don't seem to be written properly, I'm sorry. Also I try to proof read these posts but sometimes I miss things and sometimes I just don't have time. That my dear is how it goes in the Mummyhood.
I have had a few people recently, point out some of my mistakes and again, I'm sorry. I was never a great English student. I know the people who have said something aren't saying it to be mean but as someone who has struggled with dyslexia it hits a little too close to home for me. It's one of my sensitive spots.
Having said that, I hope you are enjoying these and failing all else I hope they give you a laugh.
Friday, April 1, 2011
I'm watching an old episode of the show Mad Men and sometimes wonder what it was like to live in those times. More specifically to be a women and a wife/mother in those times.
I have to admit I love the scene when the daughter is running around with a plastic dry cleaning bag on her head. The mother calls her over and says, that the clean clothes better not be on the floor or else she is in trouble. I love that that is the concern. Not that the kid has a plastic bag on her head but about the dry cleaning.
Now, this mamma wonders, is that a simpler time or an uneducated time??
A Day for Mamma
Somedays in our lives are about T....well most days are about T but that isn't the point. Someday
s are about T, some R and somedays are all about ME! Today is one of those days. I have had a great mummy day. No, nothing exciting. No spa or mani/pedi or even a hair cut. It was just a great day.

My mum came to visit in the morning, so that occupied T all morning. Then after lunch and a nap T played with his uncle and then his other
grandparents. I enjoyed watching them play and some sunshine. Then this evening I enjoyed a MNO (mums night out). R took T out for dinner while I had a delicious glass of wine and got ready for dinner.
Today was the kind of day you want/need sometimes. A day where you

remember what you were like BC (before children). I felt like my old self today and loved it. Tonight especially, I felt like the 20-something girl I use to be. Getting
ready for a night on the town. A night of dinner and drinks, the only thing missing was dancing.
I feel younger then I have in awhile and must remember to do this
for myself again.....soon.
This mamma says, treat yourself to a night out once and awhile. It makes all the difference.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Family Picture
I really have nothing to post about today but I wanted to share this picture I came across today. It may be my favourite family picture so far. It is a self pic that R took of us on our trip to NYC last summer.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Growing Green, Baby
Well it is officially spring, even if it doesn't feel like it yet. T and I have decided to "fake it 'til we make it". We planted some tomato seeds and are hoping they sprout. T is all excited, though I don't think he knows what we are actually doing. All he knows it that we have to pour water on these things and in his world, that is a good thing.
I decided to do this with him for many reasons. Encouraging local eating, teaching cause and effect (sometimes the ECE in me sneaks out) but the main reason is simply because T loves the garden. He loves flowers and trees and even the bugs and bees. He pretends to pick flowers in books and even on my clothes. So here is a little project for us.
I figure the best case scenario is T loves it and has yummy (for him) tomatoes to eat. The worst case is he losses interest and doesn't want the tomatoes, in which case NaNa wins.
I'll keep you posted on our progress.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Real Mums
This is a shout out to all the REAL mums out there. I'm talking about the mums who are honest about motherhood and about their children. I am so lucky to have many mummy friends who fall into this category but I know that is not the case for everybody.
I have met the competitive mothers. The ones who were right pack to their pre-pregnancy weight within days of their baby's birth. They are the same mums who bragged about their babies sleeping through the night by 3 months and are talking (full sentences, of course) before a year. In my humble opinion they are the mothers that lie! I can't get my hear around what these women are getting out of these.....half truths...?....These women are making others feel bad about not only themselves but other children as well.......
Oh shit, I digress. This post is NOT about the competitive mums or any other type of mums. This is about the real mums. I love having mummy friends that I can be real with. Mums that say they are tired. Mums who, when I visit their house, it looks similar to my own. I don't mean by design or decoration here. I mean there are toys out and maybe some stuff on the floor or some dishes in the sink. These mums are open and honest about their children and themselves. I don't mean self-deprecating just truthful. They don't make you feel bad about yourself as a mother (or wife for that matter). They are supportive and encouraging. These mums make you feel normal. Motherhood is hard, why deny that?
We mothers all need to realize that nobody (except maybe for ourself) expects us to be perfect. Admitting it's hard work will make you realize you are not alone. It takes a stronger person to ask for help then to suffer through it alone. I know I can ask any of my mummy (and non-mummy) friends and they will help me out in a second. If you can't say that is true for you, you may want to reevaluate your friendships. You don't need to compete. There is no such thing as a perfect mother. You can only be the best you can be and believe me, your children will love you just as you are.
So to all the mums out there who admit their tired, that parenting is hard work and that sometimes they need "me" time. Who say their kids aren't perfect but they are perfect for me....
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
The Bad Wife...?
I think I'm not only a bad wife but maybe an awful wife. No really, I think it might be true. Tonight my husband wasn't feeling well after T jumped on his back. So I was getting T ready for bed and R was having a bath when he started vomiting. Now this is where the bad wife comes in, what did I do? Did I go in and check on my loving, wonderful baby Daddy? NOPE! I turned The Wiggles on, on my iPhone and tuned up the volume, so I couldn't hear him.
Now I did ask him if he was okay, after I was sure he was finished. I'm sorry but it's the one thing I can't deal with. Blood, guts, tears, anything BUT vomit. Just the thought of it turns
my stomach. I know this doesn't really make me an awful wife.....right?! Please say I'm right.....
This post is for the best father, the best friend, the man I fell in love with at 17 and have loved ever since. Thank-you for you. I love you more then I can tell you. You make me a better person and except me, flaws and all.

Thursday, March 3, 2011
Worst Idea EVER!
Well it seems that I am raising a little boy who is part human and all monkey. At 18 months old we had to put him into a toddler bed because he could climb out of his crib. It isn't going well to say the least.

Every nap and at bedtime I come upstairs and sit by his bed so that he doesn't just hop down and run to the door to call me. I tried leaving the room and he just screams until naptime is over or until I go to bed, either way that doesn't work. So now I'm that parent sitting on the floor of my child's room until he is sleeping. Don't worry I know this is an awful habit to start but what are my other options? I figure it this way, if
sitting by his bed gets him to fall asleep in his own bed for now I can break this habit down the road.
Today however, this doesn't seem to be working. I am sitting here and he is just playing in his crib beside me. I've tried leaving the room but that didn't help either. Why is my son a monster? Honestly, every time I hear anybody talk about how well their child(ren) sleep, I am so jealous and think, "I hope your next child never sleeps". Awful, right? I don't want to begrudge other people their wonderful, sleepy babies....I just want mine to sleep......please?!
Until the day T starts to sleep well (that day will come, won't it?) I just remind myself that one day he will be a teenager and want to sleep all the time and it will be my turn to wake/keep him up. I am really looking forward to that day.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
I know it's bad.....
I have just gotten back from an amazing weekend in Paris with my family. I love traveling with my boys. We have so much fun and I love watching T explore new places. Traveling is something I love and I'm so happy to share it with T.

However, on our way home I always feel really good about myself and my family when I see other families and how hassled they seem. There was one family yelling at their kids in the airport and another Dad getting really pissy with his son getting into the car. I can't help it, I know it's bad but it really does make me feel like a
great parent. Now don't get me wrong, I get annoyed with T and with R but the traveling doesn't stress me out. Coming home makes me sad our vacation is over but we always seem like a closer family after spending time together. Seeing other parents, who frankly don't seem to be enjoying their family at all, makes me value my family even more.
So thanks to the stressed out traveling families for helping me appreciate my family even more.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Must Get More Organized
I love organization! I love files and sticky tabs and clips and folders and anything else that helps me be organized.......Well I did. In that magical time I call BT (before T) when I had time to be organized. I was a teacher in my former life so organization was key. Now I can't even manage to print pictures never mind actually get them into albums or frames. You can see my former skills in action when I do laundry. I fold and sort clothes according to who then belong to, what they are (i.e. shirt, pants, etc.) and what order they go on. Sounds crazy but it does make getting T dressed much easier.
Today T and I spend 2+ hours at our local Starbucks uploading pictures to be printed. I can't believe it took so long. Poor baby was so patient waiting for me to finish....Good thing they have food there to keep him entertained. But all this adds up to the fact that I will soon have a massive pile of pictures to sort and put away. Wish me luck people.
Does anybody out there really manage to have kids and stay organized or it more a fake it 'til you make it kind of thing? Am I being unrealistic that I will be on top of things again one day? I don't see how it's going to get any easier as we are talking of more kids (yes plural) but it seems like it's only going to be more and more necessary.
Any tips? or are al the organized mums keeping that to themselves........
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Becoming Domestic
It's official, I am a housewife....well all except for the actually being married part. I have spent the night watching Desperate Housewives while doing laundry, cleaning the kitchen and baking bread from scratch. When did I become this woman? Not that I'm complaining, I love it.
I received two cookbooks for Christmas (and was over the moon) and bought two more right after. I have been cooking up a storm. My favourite book has been Quinoa. You guessed it, it's all about quinoa and more delicious then I could have thought. My favourite recipe in it has been for Apple Strudel Breakfast Cereal. The best part about it is not only do I love it, T loves it too. My boys are reaping the benefits of my newly discovered domestic side, and I'd say they are happy about it.
This started as just curiosity and just general interest but turns out, I'm hooked. I love being able to make something from scratch and then share that with the people I love. I started with basic meals, things that sounded good and thought, "I could make that". So I did. Now I have moved on to something that slightly scares me, bread. I think I can do it BUT it's daunting. I'm not sure why but I'm worried it won't turn out. I promises you this much, if it doesn't turn out this time I will keep trying....but I may not tell you that it didn't work.
This looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship
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