Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Bad Wife...?

I think I'm not only a bad wife but maybe an awful wife. No really, I think it might be true. Tonight my husband wasn't feeling well after T jumped on his back. So I was getting T ready for bed and R was having a bath when he started vomiting. Now this is where the bad wife comes in, what did I do? Did I go in and check on my loving, wonderful baby Daddy? NOPE! I turned The Wiggles on, on my iPhone and tuned up the volume, so I couldn't hear him.

Now I did ask him if he was okay, after I was sure he was finished. I'm sorry but it's the one thing I can't deal with. Blood, guts, tears, anything BUT vomit. Just the thought of it turns
my stomach. I know this doesn't really make me an awful wife.....right?! Please say I'm right.....

This post is for the best father, the best friend, the man I fell in love with at 17 and have loved ever since. Thank-you for you. I love you more then I can tell you. You make me a better person and except me, flaws and all.

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