Wednesday, July 21, 2010


This mamma remembers a day wen a night out with a friend wasn't such a big deal. Now it takes planning and careful timing. I want to be able to stay out and have a good time but I have to be home for a dreamfeed. Plus I can't get there until after T is in bed. Makes me wonder why did I give up pumping? Oh right, I didn't give up pumping, pumping gave up on me. Next time.....there is always next time.

I am actually really looking forward to going out tonight, even if it is only with one other mum (let's see if we can stay off mummy talk). I really have to try to get out with my friends more often. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that my bed is so inviting most nights. Plus, if I plan one night out a week and so does Rico and then we have friends over once or twice and then Rico has at least one work night we really aren't spending any time together. Which is something we are trying to do more of. It's become so easy to take our time together for granted. We use to talk or read or even watch a movie together but now it often ends up with me on my computer upstairs and Rico on his downstairs. I don't take it personal but I know Rico finds it hard......I digress......

The point today it I'm looking forward to GNO tonight. Sarah, get my vodka tonic for me if I'm running late :)

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